For internet and media utilities I recommend AnalogX. Their tools are all free and very high quality.
Need to know right when you get e-mail? {{link Ease-E-Check}} Sits in your system tray and checks for new e-mail every two minutes and plays a notification when it finds new mail.
Got a lot of favorites? You can get to any one of them easily by typing the name of it in the address bar of Internet Explorer. You can make it even quicker by naming your favorites with only one or two letters. I use “W” to jump to a weather forecast.
Can’t get TI’s Graphlink Software to work with your computer anymore? TiLP is an open source project that replaces TI’s software.
Cant fingerer out how to get those last two colors into the right place (or maybe a few more?) Cube Explorer can solve the cube in about 20 moves. Just tell it where all of the colors are located and it will do the rest.